Residential support workers

Caring for children always involves a high degree of personal responsibility. The primary role of the Residential Support Worker (RSW) is to work as part of the staff team in a children’s home under the direction, guidance and supervision of the home management team. Promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young people is paramount at all times. Accalia Care Services operates Ofsted-registered children’s homes in Moseley, Yardley Wood and Oak Lodge which provide care and support to vulnerable children with complex needs in accordance with regulatory and legal requirements and standards (e.g. the Children’s Homes [England] Regulations 2015) and Company Policies and Procedures. The home operates 24-hours each day, every day of the year, requiring round-the-clock staffing and management. RSW’s are required to conform to appropriate standards of conduct at all times and to be mindful that they serve as important role models to the children in their care. RSW’s are professionally and operationally accountable to the Registered Manager in the children’s home.

RSW’s are required to provide care and support to children in the 7 to 18 age range, although most of the residents are likely to be in their mid-teens. The full-time shift pattern is a 24-hour shift from 07.30am through to 08:00am the following day, including sleeping-in overnight. RSW’s typically work two-three full shifts per week, including shifts on the weekends. There is also the requirement waking night staff. The home’s aim is to provide a family-type atmosphere. RSW’s are required to: family-type atmosphere. RSW’s are required to:

  • Supervise and monitor children as directed, which may include 1:1 or 2:1 supervision.
  • Keep accurate, factual, and legible written records (e.g. records about the child’s behaviour; phone messages; communication notes).
  • Be punctual and record accurate shift start and finish times using systems that is currently in place to capture this.
  • Protect and safeguard children from harm both inside and outside of the home environment.
  • Treat children with respect and dignity in a way that promotes feelings of trust and safety.
  • Help to maintain a safe environment that complies with Health and Safety and other legal requirements.
  • Undertake domestic tasks such as shopping, food preparation, cooking, and cleaning.
  • Promote the healthy development and adjustment of children in their care.
  • Administer first-aid to injured children.
  • Help children adhere to appropriate behavioural expectations and challenge children when they display inappropriate behaviour, in line with the child’s management and care plan.
  • Ensure the home environment is appropriate and sensitive to the individual needs of children, including specific needs (e.g. cultural, religious, dietary, language needs).
  • Relate appropriately to the children, which includes engaging children in appropriate conversation and activities both in the home (e.g. arts and crafts, computer games) and outside the home (e.g. swimming, ice-skating), which may require a degree of physical exertion.
  • Accompany the children and young people on residential trips and holidays.
  • Assist children at times of emotional and behavioural crisis, which may include use of de-escalation strategies to calm the child and, as a last resort, use of physical management. RSW’s are sometimes exposed to challenging and distressing behaviour (e.g. self-harm, aggression, verbal abuse).
  • Assist children with educational tasks and homework (e.g. reading practice).
  • Assist older children in the development of independence skills (e.g. cooking,
  • Relate in a professional manner at all times to the child’s family and friends, and to other professionals (e.g. social workers, health workers, teachers, Ofsted inspectors).
  • Develop an appropriate understanding of each child/young person’s developmental, emotional, social, educational, and behavioural needs in order to meet his/her needs as part of the care team and care planning process.
  • Communicate effectively with other team members and maintain good working relationships with other team members.
  • Attend and participate in line-management supervision.
  • Attend and participate in training as required, including mandatory training (e.g. fire safety; medication administration) and external professional training (e.g. Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce).
  • Attend and participate in staff team meetings and demonstrate an ability to reflect and learn.
  • Manage company money appropriately (e.g. petty cash); keep receipts of any purchases; and maintain accurate written records (e.g. petty cash book).