The following is a summary of Newbury school who work in partnership with Accalia Care;
Established in 2017, Newbury Independent School registered as a Department of Education Provision in Newtown, Birmingham. As Our School progressed, we expanded and moved to a new, purpose built site located in Aston, approximately 2 miles from Birmingham City Centre and has excellent transport links, centrally located within the inner circle of the city. Our School is registered to accommodate 60 students of all backgrounds between the ages of 11 and 19, providing education over a two storey building which is modern, spacious and easily accessible.
We adhere to children and young people’s EHCP (Education Health Care Plans) and work closely with all significant stakeholders in the outcome for young people’s care and education.

Newbury School can accommodate school transfers, referrals from City of Birmingham School (COBS) and SENAR for students that have been permanently excluded, or at risk of exclusion, from mainstream schools and Pupil Referral Units, or from parents /guardians who feel their child would benefit from our tailored support educational programmes and alternative teaching strategies and approaches.
We also offer places to young people who may be transient or who are living with Foster Carers or accommodated within a Children’s Home.
Newbury Independent School is built upon a foundation of
“No legacy is so rich as honesty” William Shakespeare
Honesty is the lynchpin of everything we do. Our students and families have often lost faith in the education system and our honesty is the basis on which we start to rebuild the working relationship. We will always be thoughtful in the way we present our honest opinion, but we will not shy from difficult conversations as sometimes honesty is the best way to help change happen. We expect staff, students, families/carers and other agencies to be open with us, as we are always striving to provide the very best educational experience for our students.
This is ‘doing the right thing even if no-one is watching’. Working with each other, acting with honesty and integrity, ensuring we do the right thing for our students, families, carers and staff in all situations. We will maintain our morals, ethics and principles and help our students understand and reach those levels of integrity as well.
“A lack of transparency results in a distrust and a deep sense of insecurity” Dalai Lama
As a school we are committed to creating openness in our daily work to promote trust and help us towards ever greater effectiveness and efficiency. Our students, families, carers and other agencies need to be aware of our aims, but we will listen and, where suitable, act upon any input given by our cohort. We are open and we are always learning and improving. We will say if we get something wrong – and learn from it. We also expect that from our students, families, carers, staff and other agencies. This is a ’two-way street’ and together we will all work to demonstrate the very best practices.
“Long term consistency trumps short term intensity” Bruce Lee
This is an incredibly important part of our role as Newbury School. Many of our students have had inconsistencies in their education, home life, expectations, boundaries, adult input to their lives and sometimes living environments. We will strive to be the consistency our students crave by maintaining routines (with flexibility), pre-tutoring for changes with those who need it, having clear expectations but keeping our promises too.
By integrating these solid principles into everyday functions, we aim to make ‘Tomorrow better than today’ for our Students.