Training programme at Accalia Care
All staff who are employed by Accalia Care begin the journey with 2 weeks induction programme, this involves time spent with the manager, staff team and young people. During this time, they would be shown all areas of paperwork, enjoy interactions with the young people and get to work with colleagues. After the induction programme the staff member is then on a 6-month probation where the majority of training will begin.
We use an online system for some of training course such as manual handling, food hygiene and GDPR. Staff are then invited to in house training such as allegation handling, complaints procedures and ligature awareness.

Specialist trainers are then brought in as required to train staff in first aid, physical intervention and safeguarding.
All of our homes utilise the local safeguarding board for training courses such as working with reluctant parents, alcohol and drug abuse and neglect.
Accalia care is committed to staff development and all staff are enrolled on the QCF Children and young people’s workforce level 3 if they do not hold the qualification, staff who hold this and are in a senior position will be enrolled on the QCF Children and young people’s workforce level 5.
Staff are given the opportunity to apply for senior roles within the company and all Accalia Care Managers support staff to further the carer during supervisions, team meetings, reflective practice while providing the knowledge and guidance to each staff member who wishes to progress.