About the Charity

Part of the company ethos is to support and assist the young people in our care to understand that there are always people and animals in the world that need help. This is done through social awareness evenings and supporting a different chosen charity each year which gives the young people residing within the company to come together and raise money for the chosen charity.
Due to the pandemic, this was unable to happen last year and as we are all still practising staying safe, it was decided that each individual home would ask their young people what they would like to do as a challenge to raise money for a charity of their choice.
At Silver Birch, the young man was not sure at first and thought about a swimming challenging or a skate park challenge but then settled on walking 15km in 7 days.

The young man did not know what charity he wanted to support, so with support from staff he looked at The Samaritans, The Red Cross, NSPCC, Barnardo’s, RSPCA, The Dogs Trust, Shelter, Women’s Aid, Cancer research, Autism West Midlands, and the ADHD Foundation. After exploring all the work that the different charities did, the young man settled on the ADHD Foundation “because it supported people with the condition and their families and educated other people about it.”
The young man excelled at his challenge often walking the staff’s puppies as well as managing to walk 15.5km between the 25th and 29th of August 2021 and raised £ 163.15